Good morning ☕️!
We’re excited to share with you the 1st Adim Ink of the New Year - for new readers, Adim Ink is our community-focused newsletter releasing every other Monday morning and is the premiere place to and catch up on all things Adimverse.
Here’s what we’ll cover today:
2022 Wrapped
Adim Radio – Live Episode!
We’re Hiring Engineers - Come build with us
Update on Adim Gym
Resources we’ve curated for you this week
Let’s jump in.
2022 Wrapped
We kicked off 2022 with some big ideas: collaborative worldbuilding and storytelling, new models of value flow, and more.
The thread below highlights many milestones of our first 6 months including launching Adim, growing to 400+ members around the world, kicking off our first production, and much more.
Check out Adim Wrapped ‘22 below & get ready for a MAJOR 2023 🤯

Adim Radio: Live Episode!
To kick off the year, we hosted our first ever in-person Adim Radio episode featuring some members of the Adim team - highlighting who they are, what they're working on, and what our team is excited about in the coming year.
Check out the recording below 👇
We’re Hiring: Come build with us

Want to join a team of top-tier technologists pushing the boundaries of creativity, fandom and collaboration?
We're hiring a Senior Front End Engineer & Fullstack Web3 Engineer to work alongside our stellar engineering team 🤝
Come build with us:
Adim Gym
Kyle Mazer, Adim Creative Strategist
I wanted to create Adim Gym because I wanted to help our community improve their craft. Because at Adim “you shouldn’t have to know how to write to be in a writer’s room,” but I thought it’d be a whole lot better if you, you know, could. Over the years, I’ve spent more hours than I can count in creative workshopping groups, and have learned so much about my own skills as a storyteller in these collaborative educational spaces, that bringing something similar to Adim felt like a no-brainer. Now at the end of our first run, in classic Adim fashion, what we’ve created in Adim Gym is something the likes of which I’ve never seen.
Considering Adim’s mission – to create characters that can transcend story, that can exist in any medium with any purpose – I wanted to come up with a curriculum that would value good characterization and show how it can come from good writing, all in a low-stakes environment. I started our first synchronous session with a quote from writer Anthony Burgers, who said “I begin every new book by writing pages and pages of dialogue – no setting, no descriptions, just the words … Later I discard the major part of this material, but it has served its purposes; I have worked out my characterizations and plots through dialogue.” Using casual craft to kickstart character, our workouts began with some of my favorite writing prompts, each exploring different tools in our writer’s toolkits to develop voices we could eventually turn into full entities. With an emphasis on being bold, on valuing the space for the lack of a desired final product, we were testing our comfort zones, often writing from perspectives we’d never naturally write in. In only four weeks, our writers had developed sketches for drastically different characters, written in dramatically different tones, and began forming bonds as they heard each other’s attempts, valued each other’s efforts, and worked to learn from those around them–everyone works out better with a spotter, after all.
But there was still something missing.
As much as I wanted Adim Gym to be exclusively a creative training room, the writing muscles we were building were demanding to be flexed. So, just as I instruct our group to do with their characters, I listened for what sounded natural and trusted it myself. In the final three weeks of the course, gym members selected one character – either one they had developed in our workouts, or something they’d thought of completely independently and wanted to explore – and tried to flesh them out for real. Using what we’d already practiced in previous weekly sessions, and adding more specific workshops to first glean general information and then dive into our “character cores,” full ideas began to take shape as characters came to life.
Come our final session, where members would have the opportunity to present one developed scene in the medium of their choosing, I realized that what we had spent weeks creating was more than just a space to hone our creative skills, but a pathway for individual creators in the Adimverse to work, share their work, and springboard their ideas to eventual creator rooms of their own. Now, instead of just leaving the Gym with new collaborators and new skills to collaborate with, they have fully realized characters that are ready to take on the Adimverse as well.
This section will feature resources curated for the development of our community. This week, we’re exploring the history of gaming, original Tik Tok shows getting millions of organic views, and progressive decentralization.
Resources of the Week
Mitch Lasky & Blake Robbins have launched a limited series podcast, Gamecraft, where they break down the history of the modern video game business. Check it out here.
The Mad Realities team built a slate of original shows on Tik Tok generating millions of views, thousands of likes and followers, all without spending a dime on promotion. Learn more about MR & their original shows below:

Scott Kominers, a researcher @ a16z crypto, published a blog presenting a high-level framework to progressively decentralization.

Thanks for reading!
Can’t get enough? Check out our website, join our community on Discord, and follow us on Twitter.
Take care & talk soon,
The Adim Team